Adaptive management: The way to go?

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Learning in the context of organisations is synonymous to having a culture that encourages intentional reflection and processes that support this culture. For projects to be effective, teams must be able to adapt in response to changing contexts and new information. That said, the ability to adapt requires an environment which; facilitates creative thinking and flexible project design; minimizes obstacles to modifying projects; and creates incentives for adaptive management.

However, oftentimes it’s difficult to introduce a culture of adaptive management because of pre-existing targets and project timelines set by the key stakeholders. This inhibits the kind of flexibility required to bring staff together to reflect on data and ponder upon alternative strategies. Therefore, it’s paramount for all key stakeholders to participate in developing mechanisms for adaptive management during the planning phase. That is, prior to implementation. Lest it does more harm than good; by disrupting a project’s momentum.

Thanks for reading, until next time…

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